An Unexpected Day

3 min readFeb 7, 2021


The Passing Of My Grandfather

My Grandfather with me in 1990

February 7th, 2020 was the most hurtful day for my family and I.

I didn’t understand how my grandfather could be here giving me high fives and laughing with me, then all of a sudden he’s gone.

His passing really put me in a dark place that I didn’t know if I’d ever get past the grieving. Then there were times where I’d think about the memories I had with him as a kid, I was really his mini me back then now that I think about it haha!

My grandfather Jake Magee was born in Raleigh, NC and raised in Brockton, MA at a young age. He graduated high school in 1961 and after graduating he joined the US Army through 1962–1967.

Years later he became a Police Officer, he would help the youth by telling them not to go down the wrong path, many of the kids my grandfather helped were inspired to become Police Officers as well. When he joined the DARE Program he became known as “ Uncle Jake” and people would say “ I wish he was my father/ grandfather” back then I used to be embarrassed to have a grandfather as a cop cause I thought the kids were going to make fun of me! Well I’m thankful for seeing my grandfather during his Police days, kids loved my grandfather so much, he was like a superhero to the youth during that time, I got ride in his DARE car, I got to be in the parade ( I hid my face with the DARE hat xD) and I also got to visit the Police Station and see his desk. He even came to my Elementary School one time and I felt so embarrassed too but however the kids all loved him and asked me if he was my dad and I told them he was my grandfather, they were jealous of me and said that it was so cool that he’s my grandfather.

My Grandfather during his Police days

Not only was my grandfather a Police Officer, but he was a Christian… he became a Deacon in the church for over 40 years and was a Sunday school teacher, he was very strict when it came to what I could watch and couldn’t watch, but he also taught me about the Bible as a youth, he would also nag me about reading it growing up, I would start reading it in my early twenties and still now I get up in the morning to red it. He also taught me about praying and other things. We had some disagreements but he was still my grandfather, who doesn’t have disagreements with family? He would even tell me “ You know what Chandre, I’m proud of ya!” it really felt like I lost a father, my grandfather was also my father-figure in my life. I miss him everyday, I know he would be proud of me working on my book.

For everyone out there who has lost a loved especially during COVID, my thoughts and prayers are with you, grieving is never easy but just remember all the memories of your loved one and stay strong!

