2020 Was A Crazy Year!

2 min readDec 31, 2020


This year was one of the most worst years I’ve ever seen and heard! Mainly because I was dealing with the passing of my grandfather who passed back in February and it was so unexpected, then the pandemic hit while I was still grieving the passing of my grandfather, it was such a dark time for me.

It was also a very hard year for people losing their jobs, almost losing or losing their houses/apartments, losing their loved ones to the virus, and not to mention it effected so many people’s mental health.

There were some good parts about 2020 for me, copyrighting my comic, entering my one-shot manga in the Shonen Jump contest, participating in Blacktober, having my artwork in the Zine was the proudest moment, and so many great things happened to me.

Hoping that 2021 is better for everyone, maybe we’ll finally get to go places….if that happens the first place I would go to is Michael's, cause I really miss that place and the sales on art supplies! Really hoping this vaccine that they’re sending out will be a blessing for the people in need of it.

In 2021, I’ll be working on a few things, firstly I’m working on a novel, I can’t wait to show everyone when it’s finished.. I’ve been working so hard on it, I’m actually still working extra hard on it! I will also be debuting my manga that I’ve been working on for a couple of years named “ Shazaru” so be on the lookout for my manga coming soon! I got more projects but I’ll keep working it behind the scenes hehe! I’ll show it when I’m ready.

Everyone have a safe New Years, keep wearing your mask cause I see so many people not wearing them it’s sad! Also keep social distancing and washing your hands too! See ya’ll in 2021!

